
Friday, November 25, 2016

In reality the fears we face,

Hello my friends!
So today I wanted to talk about something that I think is necessary to being a new author though I don't think authors always talk in depth about it, and that subject is fear.
Before the launch of "From The Dust" I was a mess, not because I think my story was stupid but for the fact I know I'm imperfect as a writer; truth be told I'm dyslexic therefore spelling and grammar in general is quite difficult for me AKA the reason in my youth I gave up believing I could become an author or even write a story for that matter.
With the help of one phenomenal teacher in junior high and my firm belief that I am meant to be an author and writer, yet even then I have fear a lot of the time, but the thing is I know my purpose is to do what I love and that is Art and Stories; both require the deepest parts of my soul given to the public for their love or scorn.
And the thing is I know there are still flaws in "From The Dust" yet the one reason I can continue believing in my book is the fact I know that the story is the best it can be; for me I'm a story teller, it's what I've always loved doing in my head is creating stories and no matter how often I have wanted to quit I know deep down I never could.
I love my characters too much, I want the world to resonate with even one sentence I may write that soothes them, helps them or gives them courage to believe even one second longer; and the most terrifying thing about it is that it requires that I overcome my fear of my flaws.

It's quite funny to me at times to think my next book that will be coming out at the end of next year is called "Flawed" and it's the one story that frightens me to give to the world because it holds so much of my soul within it; but that's the thing, if I let fear dictate my life I would quit being an artist, I would never let one soul glance at a sentence of my work and in all honesty I wouldn't be writing this because doing so frightens me.   
But what a wonderful thing to stand against fear.

To finish I think of only one quote by Joan of Arc in which she states,

"I was born to do this."

Those are some of the truest words I can think of that explain how I feel; Fear may know me and I it, but the truth is I know I was born to do this even with so many of my own imperfections and no matter what I will push myself to do what I know I was born to do.

So find what you know you were born to do and go after it with every ouch of soul you can spare; and it's okay if it frightens you, in fact that's good because that means it truly is what your meant to be doing.

Anastasia out~

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Artist by day and writer by night,

Good day my friends!

Some fun art news for me has come up as three illustrations I did of "The Seven Ravens" Grimm fairytale were accepted for publishing! The one above being the first of the three.
(This is not their final cover yet but to give you an idea)
To snag a copy that not only holds a look at all three of my illustrations but also those of a talented group of other artists along side the Grimm fairytales you can pre-order a copy here.

Anyway thanks for stopping by and more story, art and just all around awesome stuff coming soon.

Anastasia out~

Monday, November 14, 2016

A look at the book launch!

Now where I would normally talk your life off about how amazing this was I will let you enjoy the images of how fantastic it was with just a few words at the end.


Enjoy my friends.

(That is E. B. Wheeler on the right guys, E. B. Wheeler!)

And last but certainly not least thank you to these three wonderful people who helped me out,

My best friend who helped with stamps and was the official photographer who took all the awesome photo's above and who helped keep me calm, your the best Char!
My wonderful Mother who is the first proof reader of my books and a huge support to me. <3
And my father who as my agent made this possible to both publish and have the event at The Kings English, which by the way was wonderful to work with them.

With all this said above thank you so incredibly much to the friends and family who came out to support me and my dreams, you guys rock!

Also for those who want to get their hands on a copy of the book buying it from The King's English helps keep my book on the shelf so be sure to let your friend's, neighbors and heck even the people on the street know From The Dust is finally here!

Buy the book here:


More book fun, author events and art news coming soon. Stay turned.

Anastasia out~

Friday, November 4, 2016

Some art behind the book scenes...


Hello my friends!

Today we have a look at some art work behind "From The Dust" from yours truly.
Thought it might be fun with leading up to the book to release some art of Alayna Drift before you meet her in just over a week when the book releases!
So lets get right into the doodles, horrid expressions and my past work...
This watercolor is one while I was writing the book of the relationship between Alayna and her animal companions in the book.
This was quite recent from while I was working on the book trailer at the start of the year.
This was a character sketch while I was editing the book for the fifth or sixth time.
One of the oldest sketches of Alayna from around six years ago before I was even writing her story but had her story tossing around in my mind.
To see more sketches of the story be sure to check out the art of section on the "From The Dust" site that will be adding new art all the time.
Thanks for stopping by and more art, book stuff and fun coming soon, so stay tuned!
Anastasia out~