
Monday, February 27, 2017

Behind the book cover: From The Dust

Hey everyone, so while thinking about what might be fun to share with you I realized I have never shown my YA fantasy cover progress and how it came to be.
With that said let's get right into it!
My illustrator for the book, Ben Simonsen is such a fantastic artist and was so fantastic to work with.
The start of the cover design I gave him my ideas and he did the rough sketches of what the cover might look like.
(See if you can tell which one we went with.)

Being an artist myself I was in love with them all but we finally went with the middle cover as it felt powerful which was what I wanted for the book to complement my story.
The next step was when the sketches became defined and it was that moment you realize your illustrator must be a magician.
Now on these next two see If you can spot the difference...
Do you think you found it?... I'll give you another second so don't scroll down if your still bent on finding it.
Got it yet?
Her shoes turn to feet and necklace, these were a tiny detail but knowing I could get as close to my main character as I could I was grateful to Ben for doing exactly that, this cover is my character down to the little details.
Ready for another spot the difference?
Here we go...

Now this time I give you less time to find it because I don't want to keep you all day.
Her shirt, green to blue. Little once again but it was meant a lot to capture as much of her as we could so the cover was my Alayna with little to no difference from my writing of her.
Now this was getting close to the end but the last thing that was changed was Runner's mane darkening as once more the horse needed to be close to the same as story.
And finally the end result... 
Nothing is as cool as seeing how the end product looks, its magical and all thanks to working with Ben to make something that was my vision with his expertise and talent to make it fantastic.
So with that said I hope you all have a great day and have enjoyed seeing how the cover for "From The Dust" came to be.
More book news, art and so much more coming so stay tuned.
Anastasia out-

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Coloring Contest Winners!

Hey everyone so our winners have been picked and they are...
*drum roll *

Sara Despain on Instagram and Xovinx on DeviantArt!
Both are fantastic and Sara got the creative part that looked so cool and Xovinx on the best of the best, but let's be honest they are both awesome!
With that said both will be receiving the code to the Kindle copy of "From The Dust!"
Now with that all said I have some awesome things coming up for both book and art news so with that said stay awesome guys and keep on chasing your dreams!
-A.B out