
Thursday, September 29, 2016

A taste of how to market it,

Let's start out with a creepy picture of myself, because nothing says marketing like looking off to the side and hiding your face behind your own marketing tool...

Now I guess I better get back to why your here.

When you think marketing you may think it sounds either horrid because its a ton of work or your interested in it right? Well with "From The Dust" we went with the idea of making something interesting all the way around.
That's why we made Postcards of the book cover (Like the one I was holding and seen above) and the fun thing about them is I have been able to give them to people in passing, close family and friends and for fun leaving them in random places and at restaurants.
(This was left at wheeler farm with my furry little friends in the background)

I have yet to leave one at a book store though...

That just got put on the top of the list.
Recently I had an artist booth at my local Wasatch Hollow Park for Hollow Festival.
While there I kept a little batch of postcards for the book at the end of my table, it was a great way to give people something about the book and those who were interested really enjoyed them.

Along with the post cards we have stickers that were a hit with the little kids at Hollow Fest and will be coming to the launch party at the Kings English as well as any book signings after that. ^^
With all this being said hope you enjoyed this look into some of the fun hype for "From The Dust."
(Also the books website has had some upgrades so I would check it out:
Thanks for stopping by! A look at some things that will be offered on the Kickstarter as well as some art of the book will be coming soon... so stay tuned, you won't want to miss it.
Anastasia out~

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