
Friday, November 4, 2016

Some art behind the book scenes...


Hello my friends!

Today we have a look at some art work behind "From The Dust" from yours truly.
Thought it might be fun with leading up to the book to release some art of Alayna Drift before you meet her in just over a week when the book releases!
So lets get right into the doodles, horrid expressions and my past work...
This watercolor is one while I was writing the book of the relationship between Alayna and her animal companions in the book.
This was quite recent from while I was working on the book trailer at the start of the year.
This was a character sketch while I was editing the book for the fifth or sixth time.
One of the oldest sketches of Alayna from around six years ago before I was even writing her story but had her story tossing around in my mind.
To see more sketches of the story be sure to check out the art of section on the "From The Dust" site that will be adding new art all the time.
Thanks for stopping by and more art, book stuff and fun coming soon, so stay tuned!
Anastasia out~

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