
Sunday, March 19, 2017

LTUE after the fun,

Hello friends!
I know it has been some time once again but I was working on art for my booth at Comic-con FanX and have been at LTUE! Which is what I am mainly here to talk about today.
Going to the symposium was absolutely wonderful and beyond meeting, talking and hearing from some of my favorite authors I got to sell and sign my own books!
Now normally I would douse you with a face full of pictures but I was so absorbed in the event itself I have to admit to capturing almost nothing picture wise but one shot I did get with the help of another awesome author L.Palmer.
Being my first really big author event with a ton of other awesome story tellers was amazing let alone I sold some books and got to meet and talk with book lovers as well.
All in all though this post may be short I would highly recommend going to LTUE next year as it truly is and was one of thee best writing symposiums I have ever been to. 
Also on a side note here was my booth at Salt Lake Comic-Con FanX run by my fantastic Father and my best friend and awesome artist Gracie. ( @tiny_olive_art  Go check her out!)
(I was not at my booth but in California but that's a WHOLE other story for another time.)
So with this all said more writing, book events and so much more coming real soon, so until them stay awesome!
Anastasia out-

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