
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

What a writer like me, is doing at a time like this


Hello my friends!

Now I know it's been some time but the funny thing about being a writer is that sometimes you need to take a brake and after finishing the second book in my first written series (that will eventually be published) I until recently have been taking it easy in editing, inquiring and planning town.
But that might change with something fun coming really soon...
But I also can't tell you about it just yet, I should know if it's a go by the end of this month if not sooner. So you had better stay tuned but before I leave you I would just like to give you some art that I have been working on cuz I'm not just an author/writer remember?
P.S you may get a clue as to what is so secret that I'm working on at the bottom of all this art!
So with just a taste of what I have been working on in art I give you the hint for what may be working out...
(Ever wanted a new Red Ridding Hood story with a twist and not just the same old retelling with a few little details changed?...)

Stay tuned! Your gunna want to see where this all goes.

-Anastasia out

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