
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Book trailer behind the scenes 2.0, voice recording...

"The reality of a dream is the ability to see the impossible as just an option."

Good day friends! so with the little quote to get us going lets get into this short post behind the scenes...

Seeing as the trailer has been filmed what you ask would be the next step? Though it would seem logical to say putting it all together there is one small piece before we head into editing the video, and that is recording!
For the book trailer for my novel "From the Dust" I wanted to have someone speaking and telling you what normally in most book trailers is just words on the screen, I think it adds to what you feel about the book.
So bringing back the wonderful Summer Lambourne to record the five lines for the book trailer today we spent in all ten minutes recording using AVS audio editor to finish getting the last things in place before I edit it all together.
(For a look at the behind the scenes of filming the trailer you can find it here:)

And to finish off this post the first look at the finished book cover!

(This wonderful illustration created by the fantastic Ben Simonsen)
Lastly the official "From the Dust" website is now live and will be continuing to ramp up with the art behind the book coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that!
With all this fun stuff I can promise you more is still to come with an update about Kickstarter goodies coming real soon!

Stay awesome people and so much more to come, stay tuned.

Anastasia out~

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