
Saturday, August 20, 2016

From clips and snippets to editing, making a book trailer the real thing!

Hello and good day, it's wonderful to have you here!

I keep trying to include people in the prep and steps I am taking for my first novel "From the Dust to hit reality, which is quite a huge undertaking but today we have a look into more details on how the book trailer is coming along...
For a look at the previous steps you can find them here:

So lets get right into it, once thinking out, testing, finding the actress, filming and recording the voice work is done, editing is the logical last step and that is where we begin!

The first step I took once I loaded all the videos from my camera onto my computer was watching and separating the gold shots as I call them and looking at the movement and flow of how the recording looks. (As well as finding the bloopers of course!)
Often when going through such clips I have to keep in mind what I want to see and how I might use it in the book trailer which though I did a tester the real thing changed quite a bit because we got some different shots at the final shoot.  

Interesting fact for the day: Book trailers are only about a minute to a minute and a half long if not shorter to entice the public to want to find more out about the book.

Now you know.

Then once the clip watching faze has been past and the videos sorted it's on to smashing it all together on AVS video editor.

Above you have a look at the finished product of the video laid out and put together, in the process of getting it all together I start with the clips, read the lines in my head that my actress Summer Lambourne recorded and put them all together. Once that's looking something close to what I would like I start adding the transitions between shots to help it look like one thought instead of clips. Then the last things to be done are added which is where it starts to feel like magic as the music (which I got royalty free off YouTube) is put in place and the final bits of voice recording are placed.
(This is a look at the mini trailer I also did after the first trailer with two shots that I did not use in the first but felt were good enough to be used in the mini.)
Now in-between all that I have said above I would also add that between every change made I would rewatch and continue to fix and rewatch the whole thing again until it's something I consider near as good as I can get, and that's when you save in a format to watch and get to see how it all looks together.
In all the full length book trailer is 40 seconds long and took around five or six hours seeing as I don't really count how long I work on things like this. The mini video as well took around an hour or two but went much faster seeing as I had been working on the first.
To finish I would just like to add that I have no formal training and have never taken any classes for this sort of thing, filming, videography ect. my only background in it is that I have been making music videos and action figure stop motion videos in my youth and teens and never really thought it would ever come in handy. Funny how things turned out right?
(A look at an old video of that time I sent my old camera on a voyage down a ditch never to return once it became flooded shipwrecked in a tunnel under the road, don't worry I got it back with the footage of it's last voyage. haha)
The trailer still has a few clunky things that need to be fixed before you all can enjoy but for now I hope you have enjoyed a look behind the scenes of how it is made.

Stay awesome people, more book news, fun stuff and "From the Dust" excitement coming soon.

Stay tuned.

Anastasia out~

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