
Thursday, September 29, 2016

A taste of how to market it,

Let's start out with a creepy picture of myself, because nothing says marketing like looking off to the side and hiding your face behind your own marketing tool...

Now I guess I better get back to why your here.

When you think marketing you may think it sounds either horrid because its a ton of work or your interested in it right? Well with "From The Dust" we went with the idea of making something interesting all the way around.
That's why we made Postcards of the book cover (Like the one I was holding and seen above) and the fun thing about them is I have been able to give them to people in passing, close family and friends and for fun leaving them in random places and at restaurants.
(This was left at wheeler farm with my furry little friends in the background)

I have yet to leave one at a book store though...

That just got put on the top of the list.
Recently I had an artist booth at my local Wasatch Hollow Park for Hollow Festival.
While there I kept a little batch of postcards for the book at the end of my table, it was a great way to give people something about the book and those who were interested really enjoyed them.

Along with the post cards we have stickers that were a hit with the little kids at Hollow Fest and will be coming to the launch party at the Kings English as well as any book signings after that. ^^
With all this being said hope you enjoyed this look into some of the fun hype for "From The Dust."
(Also the books website has had some upgrades so I would check it out:
Thanks for stopping by! A look at some things that will be offered on the Kickstarter as well as some art of the book will be coming soon... so stay tuned, you won't want to miss it.
Anastasia out~

Thursday, September 22, 2016

From The Dust Official Book Trailer Is Here!

Please enjoy the official book trailer and be sure to share and like to help get the word out!

For more info on the making of this video please check out my previouse posts:
(Editing the video)
(Recording the voice acting)
(Recording in the mountains)

The mini book trailer will be released later in October so keep an eye out for that!

Anyway thanks for stopping by people, lots of fun stuff coming about the items that will be up for grabs on the Kickstarter so stay tuned!

Anastasia out-

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Huston, we have book launch...


"From The Dust" Will be launching on November 12th at the Kings English from 3:00 to 5:00PM! 

Besides being able to get your hands on some of the first copies of the book signed by yours truly there will be giveaways and more!


So be sure to mark your calendars.


Have  a  fantastic  day  people  and  stay  tuned  for  so  much  more,  including  the  book  trailer!

Anastasia out~

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A stamp in the book and a craft for the day,


Hello my friends!

Today I  want to give you a look at something that I have been planning to do the moment I finished writing my first book three years ago.
I look at getting my book published as something special and wanted to make it more so by creating stamps for the book.
What kind of stamps you ask?
Well let me show you and tell the idea behind creating them...
This is a look at one of the four stamps I have made that is of a dog character in my soon to be released novel "From The Dust." The bottom stamp was my first attempt at my dog companion and I just felt like I could do a better one, so a year later the top is the result of coming back and trying to make it again.
Now you may be wondering how stamps are made right or how to make them?
(Trust me I had to do some research to learn when I first started out.) 
To start it all off I use Speedball Speedy-cut easy (the blue rubber stuff) and using pencil  I sketched out the design I wanted, for this one I redid the sketch three times so in no way was this my first try for the sketch.
As you can see I have already outlined the design and the tool I used to do it is in our next picture!
At the top the red stamp carver that's tip can be changed out depending on the cut you want, as seen with the five extra tips in the right hand corner.
Once I'm finished carving down around the design I bought inexpensive stamps and take them apart and put my new one in it's place. It's kind of evil sounding now that I think about it...
  Moving on,
Like with the dog stamp for the book this one of the horse companion I had already done but I knew I could do better one now a year later, so I went back to it for a redo.
As you can see the new one looks more like a real horse which is what I really wanted to accomplish.
With my books I want to make them something special, I want to do something not many, if anyone has done before for their books and these stamps are my little something special.
 I will have all the stamps on hand to add to your copy of "From The Dust" at the launch and any book signing thereafter.  
(The swirled  stamp will only be available if you ask for the Moonstone. *hint hint*)

Anyway more book news about launch date, book trailer and so much more coming soon, so stay tuned.

Anastasia out~