
Monday, October 17, 2016

The Kickstarter is here!!!


Hello my friends!


Today we have a look at some very exciting extras that are here for the "From The Dust" Kickstarter!

(To skip looking and go straight to the Kickstarter to check it out click HERE)


So let's get right into it...

Will have mini posters of the book cover by Ben Simonsen for one reward with a copy of the book.

Another is this awesome book mark of Alayna the main character with the art for it created by the amazing Liiga Klavina! (Link to her social media pages below)

Another awesome item is the custom pins I have before mentioned on the blog.
These will not be sold after the Kickstarter and will not be made again so be sure to grab one!
If you want to check out how the pin was made you can find it here.

Yet another awesome reward is two custom made wood round necklaces made by a dear friend and amazing artists Lisa Lundqvist otherwise known as Vattukatt on DeviantArt.
And last but not least this incredibly adoribale chibi charm of Alyana by Victoria Messer otherwise known as HobbaGobwin on DeviantArt.
So with this list of rewards I hope something among them has peeked your interest beyond the fact that they come with a copy (Digital or traditional) of "From The Dust!"
Again the Kickstarter is live right now!

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the Kickstarter and share to help get the word out!

Anastasia out~

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