
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Christmas Coloring Page,

In the spirit of Christmas here is a page free to download to print out for your family, friends and just for yourself to enjoy.

Be sure to right click on the coloring page below and "save as" to your computer to download and print to your hearts content.
Let's #LightTheWorld together this Christmas guys.
A.B out-

Sunday, November 12, 2017

In case you want to check it out,

If you want to check out my YouTube Channel Art Inspirations where I post at least once weekly videos of art ideas, inspiration and review art products.

Anyway guys, thanks for stopping by!

A.B out-

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

This event is going to be a blast and this book can make a great present for any fable loving individual on your Christmas list!
Location and Time:
The Kings English Bookstore
1511 South 1500 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Nov. 4th at 2pm sharp!
There will be prizes, stories and backstory on the book so don't be late for this very important date.
Stay tuned for more art, book, and stories coming soon...
Stay awesome guys!
A.B out-

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Stop Motion Trailer Is all I need to say....

Considering the paper back edition of "The Wolf and the Crimson Maiden" is coming out at salt lake comic-con I figured it needed a little video for the occasion.

And so I give you the stop motion trailer:

Be sure to stop and grab a copy of the book while supplies last at Salt Lake Comic-Con Booth Blue 26!

Anyway guys more art and fun coming real soon and you can be assured a behind the scenes video is coming real soon....

Anastasia out-

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Wolf and the Crimson Maiden: Even the best screw up,

Want to learn how I screwed up with my newest books cover? well be sure to go and head on over to this blog post on the books blog!
Click below to check it out.
A.B out-

Thursday, May 18, 2017

It's out!

The book is live on Kindle right now, be sure to go snag your copy!
Anyway guys, more book news and behind the scenes of the book trailer coming soon!
AB out-

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Red Ridding Hood you say?

Hello friends!  
Today I have some exciting news to share,
My next book will be coming out in less than a day!
What is it you may be asking yourselves?
Have you ever wanted to know the real story of Red Ridding hood and the Big Bad wolf?
Then look no further for I give you-
(This cover was created by yours truly by the way.)
"The Wolf and The Crimson Maiden" will be launching first on kindle on May 18th and soft bound later this year.
and here is just a taste of what you will be getting yourself into:
"I considered asking if someone was out among the shadows as twilight came to its peak, yet nothing quite scared me completely anymore. I had nothing left in life I desperately cared for and in doing so my heart was cold to most, if not all situations I found myself in.
Shaking my head as I turned back to the snow-covered lane ahead I moved the basket closer to my body as the unsettling feeling that just beyond my visions reach eyes looked out, hungrily watching.
“I know well enough the wood.” I breathed as if to dismiss the feeling.

Straightening my back and continuing forward seemed the only logical reasoning, yet the further I ventured the deeper the wood seemed to grow around me as if seeking to place a cage over me with its bare branched claws closing in."
 If you want to take a sneak peak at the official blog for "The Wolf and the Crimson Maiden" you can find it right here in the internets neck of the woods.
Oh and did you want a book trailer?

 Behind the scenes on the book trailer, this cover and oh so much more coming real soon.
Stay tuned people.
AB out-

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

What a writer like me, is doing at a time like this


Hello my friends!

Now I know it's been some time but the funny thing about being a writer is that sometimes you need to take a brake and after finishing the second book in my first written series (that will eventually be published) I until recently have been taking it easy in editing, inquiring and planning town.
But that might change with something fun coming really soon...
But I also can't tell you about it just yet, I should know if it's a go by the end of this month if not sooner. So you had better stay tuned but before I leave you I would just like to give you some art that I have been working on cuz I'm not just an author/writer remember?
P.S you may get a clue as to what is so secret that I'm working on at the bottom of all this art!
So with just a taste of what I have been working on in art I give you the hint for what may be working out...
(Ever wanted a new Red Ridding Hood story with a twist and not just the same old retelling with a few little details changed?...)

Stay tuned! Your gunna want to see where this all goes.

-Anastasia out

Sunday, March 19, 2017

LTUE after the fun,

Hello friends!
I know it has been some time once again but I was working on art for my booth at Comic-con FanX and have been at LTUE! Which is what I am mainly here to talk about today.
Going to the symposium was absolutely wonderful and beyond meeting, talking and hearing from some of my favorite authors I got to sell and sign my own books!
Now normally I would douse you with a face full of pictures but I was so absorbed in the event itself I have to admit to capturing almost nothing picture wise but one shot I did get with the help of another awesome author L.Palmer.
Being my first really big author event with a ton of other awesome story tellers was amazing let alone I sold some books and got to meet and talk with book lovers as well.
All in all though this post may be short I would highly recommend going to LTUE next year as it truly is and was one of thee best writing symposiums I have ever been to. 
Also on a side note here was my booth at Salt Lake Comic-Con FanX run by my fantastic Father and my best friend and awesome artist Gracie. ( @tiny_olive_art  Go check her out!)
(I was not at my booth but in California but that's a WHOLE other story for another time.)
So with this all said more writing, book events and so much more coming real soon, so until them stay awesome!
Anastasia out-

Monday, February 27, 2017

Behind the book cover: From The Dust

Hey everyone, so while thinking about what might be fun to share with you I realized I have never shown my YA fantasy cover progress and how it came to be.
With that said let's get right into it!
My illustrator for the book, Ben Simonsen is such a fantastic artist and was so fantastic to work with.
The start of the cover design I gave him my ideas and he did the rough sketches of what the cover might look like.
(See if you can tell which one we went with.)

Being an artist myself I was in love with them all but we finally went with the middle cover as it felt powerful which was what I wanted for the book to complement my story.
The next step was when the sketches became defined and it was that moment you realize your illustrator must be a magician.
Now on these next two see If you can spot the difference...
Do you think you found it?... I'll give you another second so don't scroll down if your still bent on finding it.
Got it yet?
Her shoes turn to feet and necklace, these were a tiny detail but knowing I could get as close to my main character as I could I was grateful to Ben for doing exactly that, this cover is my character down to the little details.
Ready for another spot the difference?
Here we go...

Now this time I give you less time to find it because I don't want to keep you all day.
Her shirt, green to blue. Little once again but it was meant a lot to capture as much of her as we could so the cover was my Alayna with little to no difference from my writing of her.
Now this was getting close to the end but the last thing that was changed was Runner's mane darkening as once more the horse needed to be close to the same as story.
And finally the end result... 
Nothing is as cool as seeing how the end product looks, its magical and all thanks to working with Ben to make something that was my vision with his expertise and talent to make it fantastic.
So with that said I hope you all have a great day and have enjoyed seeing how the cover for "From The Dust" came to be.
More book news, art and so much more coming so stay tuned.
Anastasia out-

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Coloring Contest Winners!

Hey everyone so our winners have been picked and they are...
*drum roll *

Sara Despain on Instagram and Xovinx on DeviantArt!
Both are fantastic and Sara got the creative part that looked so cool and Xovinx on the best of the best, but let's be honest they are both awesome!
With that said both will be receiving the code to the Kindle copy of "From The Dust!"
Now with that all said I have some awesome things coming up for both book and art news so with that said stay awesome guys and keep on chasing your dreams!
-A.B out

Monday, January 2, 2017

From The Dust Coloring Contest! *Prizes included*

 (This is the rough sketch of the coloring page, for details on the real one read below.)
To get right into this super fun contest going on from January 1ts to 30th 2017 is to celebrate "From The Dust" launching on kindle!  
For those who want to go right ahead and buy a copy off amazon or read the sample you can find it here "From The Dust"
To get the coloring page you can find it right here on
With the first weeks of the book being available as a kindle ebook there will be two winners receiving the ebook. Winners of the contest will be chosen by yours truly and my father/manager on January 30th.
One prize for creativity and one for the best of the best. 
(In other words I really love it.)  
To enter the contest be sure to use the
on twitter and Instagram. 
(Especially Instagram.)
And with it you can do realistic, watercolor, digital or any kind you want.
Heck I used a simple eight pack of crayons to just play with this one below.

Best of luck to all of you entering and be sure to share, like and let people know about this contest and please have fun with it, Alayna would want it that way.

Can't wait to see your entries and stay awesome people!
Anastasia out-